"To work towards achieving a sustainable equilibrium of the deer
population through a professional and co-ordinated approach to
deer management, ensuring the sustainability of the
population through a professional and co-ordinated approach to
deer management, ensuring the sustainability of the
population through a professional and co-ordinated approach to
deer management, ensuring the sustainability of the
Welcome to
Wilddeer UK
Providing professional wild deer management and wildlife conservation services across the British Isles since 2002.
Offering a range of deer management services, deer training and deer stalking. From the lowlands of Norfolk to the Highlands of Scotland we have access to all the six species of UK deer.
UK brand ambassadors for J P Sauer & Sohn, Schmidt & Bender and Hornady ammunition.
Whether you are a novice or experienced deer manager we provide a range of training courses to assist you in furthering your knowledge. Next DMQ L1 is March 2025 in Norfolk.
Landowners - contact us to discuss protecting your new or existing woodlands. Specialists in SSSI and Semi Ancient Natural Woodland protection.
We also offer a live capture service to deer parks and farms.
Subscribe to our You Tube channel wilddeeruk
Farming the Wild with Mike Robinson travelled the UK in search of the finest wild ingredients. Mike joined Mark and Paul on a Wild Chinese Water Deer stalk, resulting in a rack of fangs!

Our nationwide team of associates are fully trained in all aspects of deer and wildlife management, over the past 22 years we have provided services for private and corporate clients. Whether you have a Muntjac in your private garden or herds of marauding red deer we can assist. In addition we offer a range of wildlife conservation services including UK wide live animal capture and relocation plus domestic / commercial pest control across Norfolk and Suffolk.
As part of our all-round package of products and services we are heavily involved in wild deer and game training, offer a variety of different wild deer stalking options and provide bespoke training solutions.
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